
Property Committee

RCC is very fortunate to have a dedicated Property Committee and volunteers within the congregation who maintains the campus of RCC, both inside and out.  They make sure all the interior systems of the building are functioning properly and they handle any and all issues that may arise.  They also ensure that the building exterior and the grounds are in tip top shape.  The committee organizes and directs Spring and Fall clean up days with the help of many volunteers, handles building security and safety, interior and exterior maintenance and system upgrades.  They are a conscientious team of volunteers that work tirelessly to maintain the property in an attractive and safe manner.

The Property Committee consists of four (4) elected Church members.  Each member is elected for a two-year term with (2) members elected one year and two (2) the following year.  The committee supervises and directs the work of the janitorial staff/service, maintains the Church and its grounds and makes recommendations to the Church Council regarding telecommunications companies that may have equipment in the Church steeple, confers annually with the Finance Committee and makes a joint recommendation to the Council regarding the building use fee schedule.

The Property Committee Members for 2025 are:  Steve Buchanan-Chair, Joshua Lang, and Rick DeKoven, Vice Chair. 

Steve Buchanan, Chair

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