Our Organization

Our Organization

Rye Congregational Church is an independent Christian fellowship which recognizes Christ as its head and the scriptures as its only authority. The purpose of this church is to preach the Gospel as proclaimed and to preserve, maintain and grow a congregation where each of us has a voice, an identity and opportunities to use our God-given talents and gifts to serve the Lord, the church body, and the community.


The Senior Pastor is the spiritual leader of the Church whose responsibility is to teach and minister to the congregation.


The Board of Deacons are responsible for the spiritual oversight of the Church and operates in concert with the congregation. The Deacons minister to the needs of individuals and families through personal visitation, leading by example, and the general oversight of Church ministries. 


The Moderator serves as the President of the Corporation.

The Treasurer serves as the Treasurer of the Corporation.

Clerk serves as the Secretary of the Corporation.

Church Council is the governing body of the Church, conducting all business for the congregation, with direction from and approval of the congregation.

Standing Committees serve to oversee the various responsibilities required to maintain the Church property and all of it’s activities. They are:

The Christian Education Committee

Fellowship Committee
Membership Committee
Missions Committee
Nominating Committee
Personnel Administration and Oversight Committee
Property Committee

Special Committees include: By-Law Committee,
Pastoral Search Committee, 
Financial Review Committee.
The special committees are established for a specific purpose on an as needed basis.

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