
Here Comes the Nominating Committee. . . Everybody Run!

Each summer, the fine members of the Nominating Committee are phoning folks, flagging down members in the church parking lot, sending out letters to inform our members and friends about open positions and are trying to catch your eye across the crowded worship service on Sunday morning.  They have a huge task before them – Who is going to serve our church this year?

The Bible is already clear on this, every member is to be a minister.  Paul writes to the Corinthians: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same spirit.  And there are varieties of ministers, and the same Lord.  There are varieties of effects, but the same God who wo4rks at all things in all persons.  But, to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”  1 Corinthians 12:4-7

EACH ONE of you has been given a gift.  And, note that the gift is for the “common good.”

So, do not fear the Nominating Committee.  We are working hard to find the right niche for you in our church.  “It takes everyone to contribute to the potluck supper in order to have a complete meal.”  Maybe you are the fruit salad.

Nominating Committee left to right, back row: Lisa and Michael Mulcahy, front row: Linda Cavanagh and Ellen Pongrace

They are working diligently to uncover your talent and find the perfect place for you to be of service to others.  You won’t regret it.  Please see our Time and Talent questionnaire to discover the many opportunities we have at RCC.

About the Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee identifies candidates for open positions for officers and committees with input from the Pastor for the Deacon Board.  They prepare the ballot with the recommended candidates to fill open positions.  The ballot is presented to the RCC Council and is published in advance of the October Congregational Meeting.  The congregation then votes to approve the slate of candidates.  Those committee members will begin serving their terms in January of the following year.  All elected positions serve a two-year term and serve in the same elected position for up to six years.

During the year, the committee also addresses vacancies and resignations by recommending candi9dates to fill those positions.  The replacements will serve the unexpired terms which are not considered an elected term.

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