Our Missions Committee supports local, national and international non-profit organizations that cater to those in need of help. Locally, we support Operation Blessing by collecting and delivering non-perishable food to their food pantry. We support the Salvation Army by providing funds that allow our Church to give vouchers for food to whose who have fallen on hard times. We also support St. Vincent DuPaul by preparing and providing weekly dinners for the homeless. For Christmas, our congregation prepares and delivers gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child that are then delivered to Samaritan’s Purse for national and international so that thousands of children worldwide will have a gift box at Christmas. One Great Hour of Sharing is an international program that for over 70 years we support by providing funding as a way to share God’s love with our neighbors and those in need round the world. They provide hunger relief, access to clean water and food, disaster assistance and they help suffering communities recover from natural disasters, war and poverty.
The Missions Committee supports and responds to community needs and project, verifies, support and promotes missionaries and mission programs nationally and internationally, encourage participation in short-term missions and educates the congregation about local and world mission concerns. The committee does all of this through special donations of gifts, food and funding from our congregation and others who want to help those less fortunate. The Missions Committee consists of five (5) elected Church members and a Deacon Representative. Each member is elected for a two-year term with two members elected one year and three (3) the following year. Committee Members for 2025 are: Thomas Hunter, Chair, Michael Scott, Vice Chair and Secretary, Janet Hanson, Paul Nichols, and Peggy Scott.