
RCC Welcome Gift


Membership Committee: The Membership Committee consists of five (5) elected Church members and a Deacon Representative. Each member is elected for a two-year term with three (3) members elected one year and two (2) the next year. This committee develops ideas to increase and maintain membership, maintains a current Membership Status Report, notifies individuals in writing of any changes in their membership, and oversees advertising that affects the congregation.

The Membership Committee Members for 2025 are: Marge Robertson, Linda Cavanagh, Vice Chair, Nance Russo, Secretary, Betsey Wormhood, and Eleanor Cormier, Chair. Deacon Representative: Rev. Jon Conant

Membership with Rye Congregational Church rev 8.21.23 

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same functions, so in Christ we, through many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. “ -Romans 12:4-5 

Membership: What’s it look like at RCC? 

Welcome to our membership page. We are glad you found us! 

Many of us choose to attend here because RCC is a bible believing church, with a traditional worship service, in a non political environment. Perhaps you return each Sunday for the inspirational sermons, the wonderful music filling our Sanctuary, and the warmth and yummy food at fellowship hour. Our environment allows each of us to speak to God in His house, to hear the bible and learn more from its words. We are an independent Congregational Church which means we accomplish all we do through a few valuable employees and dedicated volunteers. We operate under a committee structure that fills our Council which governs our organization according to by-laws and Policies and Procedures. Members have the opportunity to have a voice and to cast their vote at our Congregational Meetings. We select our own Pastor! 

Membership: What is it? 

Perhaps you’ve been a member of different organizations in the course of your life, where you get a badge or certificate, some privileges and responsibilities, and share affinities, values, and language. Membership in a local church is really different from every other membership in the world. 

Membership in a local church is the means God has chosen to form us and grow us together as children of God. Membership is so integral to his design, that it’s hard to make sense of the Christian faith apart from it. It means being a cherished family member. It means giving of your unique gifts which are all necessary, not only to the functioning of the church, but also encouraging each other in our quest to know Christ. It means making a commitment to genuine community with other members through transparency, humility, hospitality and love. It means the faithful stewarding of our gifts, time, resources, and talent to serve the body of the church. It means loving each other enough to offer sympathy and comfort, as well as accountability and exhortation. It means to forgive as we’ve been forgiven, to desire reconciliation when possible, to repent of wrongdoing, and to seek to live at peace as much as it is up to us. Finally, it means that in all things, we submit to Christ and His word.

  • Do you acknowledge yourself to be a sinner in the sight of God, justly deserving his displeasure, and without hope save in his sovereign mercy?
  • Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Savior of sinners, and receive and rest upon him alone for salvation as he is offered in the gospel?
  • Do you resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as a follower of Christ?
  • Do you believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and affirm our statement of faith as an accurate summary of its core teachings?
  • Do you promise to support the church in its worship and work to the best of your ability?
  • Do you promise to walk transparently with this body, benefiting not only from its comfort and encouragement, but its loving exhortation to be accountable to the vows you make this morning?


Membership: How can I get started?

RCC welcomes people of all ages to become a part of our church family. Any person is eligible to become a communing member at RCC who has been baptized, professes faith in Christ and the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and accepts our Statement of Faith. 

Adults can join by transferring membership from another Christian Church or through participating in our New Member Program. They may serve on Committees, Boards and officer positions under certain guidelines and vote at Congregational Meetings. Adults who also remain involved with their previous church may join as an Associate Communing Member rather than an Active Communing Member and serve on committees and vote as per the By-Laws. 

Youth under age 18 can join RCC by transferring membership from another Christian church or through participating in our Confirmation Class to New Member program. They will typically join as Communing Active Members though they may also join as a Communing Associate member. They are eligible to join committees and vote at congregational meetings upon reaching age 18. 

We love our children at RCC and are committed to helping them grow in faith and fellowship. Our Covenant children are children of parent(s) who are communing members of RCC, or have a special communing member of the family who is committed to raising them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. They are eligible to receive the covenant sign of baptism as members of this church family. This membership will continue to age 18 or upon becoming a communing member through our Confirmation Class. 

Of course we have administrative processes and forms to accomplish new membership and manage membership. We also celebrate new members at our New Member Sunday at church service and fellowship. 

Changes in your life? 

Should life bring changes resulting in your need to step away from our church for a time, or you move away from the area, we do have an Inactive membership category. You would also contact the church if you desire to eventually transfer your membership to another christian church or terminate your membership at RCC. 

“Now you are the body of Christ, and individually members of it.” -1Corinthians 12:27

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